Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Treasure Map 2008

I am really excited about the meeting I had this past Sunday. My friend from church invited me to a Treasure Map workshop. If you are familiar with "The Secret" then you know what a treasure map or success map is. If you don't simply, you get cardboard, line up old magazines and start cutting out things from those magazines that catch your attention. For some the images or words are things you want to achieve for the coming year or things you may need to work on. You make a collage using the magazine cutouts and your board. Basically, if you envision the things you have displayed on your map, you have started the process for them to manifest into your lives. You do have to do the work to get to the places you envision for yourself on your map. This just gives you clear focus as to what you seek. I met several ladies that have done a treasure map and just about everything came to pass for them.

Here is a link for some information on
treasure maps. Let me know your thoughts on the whole concept

What are your thoughts? Do you have a treasure map or success map? Comments are welcome.

~ Diana ~

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